Due to the emergence of COVID-19, the CDC recommends wearing a covering over your face when you go out in public or are around other people. This is in an effort to control the spread of the virus by limiting droplet spread, which is how it is transmitted. There are many different types of masks and cloth coverings that you can use to keep fluids from spreading, but only a few are uniquely made to keep aggressive viruses out. Read on to learn more about masks and what one your emergency dentist in Irving is using to keep patients safe.
Are Homemade Masks Effective?
For anybody going out into public and who will be practicing social distancing, the CDC recommends wearing a cloth facial covering that includes multiple layers (if possible) to reduce the spread of saliva droplets from speaking, sneezing, and coughing. For patients who have the virus and don’t know, this can keep them from accidentally infecting others, so it’s as much as a safety precaution for yourself as it is for your community. The CDC doesn’t recommend placing masks on children under two, or anyone that could have difficulty breathing with one on.
What Are the Different Types of Medical Masks?
There are several different types of medical masks that are all used to prevent different illnesses. Viruses and any sickness that can be transmitted by bodily fluid transfer to the mucous membrane (eyes, nose, or mouth) require specific materials.
The N95 respirator mask is a tighter-fitted mask that is able to filter out 95 percent of very small particles that can be inhaled, including viruses and bacteria. It also blocks out splashes, sprays, and large droplets. These high fluid-filtering masks are known as ASTM level 3 masks. While there are many different ones you can choose from, the N95 is the most common that you’ll see in stores and the same mask used to prevent the spread of the flu.
Will Wearing a Mask Really Prevent the Contraction COVID-19?
According to the CDC, there’s no current data that can statistically calculate how much wearing a mask will be able to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19. However, they do know that it’s spread via droplet transfer to hard surfaces and other people. Since wearing a mask can limit this, it’s supposed that at the very least, wearing a mask in public will prevent accidental droplet spread if you are infected and aren’t aware of it. That’s why the CDC currently recommends wearing some type of cloth facial covering whenever you go out in public or meet with groups of people.
Is it Safe to Go To The Dentist?
Your dentist in Irving uses the highest level of fluid-filtering masks to make sure that droplet transfer is minimal risk, since they’ll be working near and in your mouth. That way, you can rest assured that you’ll remain safe while receiving the dental treatment that you need.
About the Author
Dr. Rafiq Hirji is passionate about providing his patients with trustworthy and high-quality dental care. That’s why he and his staff are meeting and exceeding the CDC safety guidelines during the COVID-19 crisis. That includes wearing ASTM level 3 masks at all times along with splash shields. For questions or to learn more about our safety protocols, visit Daily Smiles MacArthur Dental and Orthodontics’ website or call 972-546-4114.