Many people aren’t aware that their checkup and cleaning with their dentist in Irving isn’t just meant to help keep their mouths healthy—it’s also an effort to look after their overall wellbeing. Your dentist is able to identify other medical conditions besides cavities and gum disease while they’re in your mouth. Read on to learn about four non-dental medications dentists regularly discover.
(more…)Do You Need a Tooth Extraction? Here’s How to Tell
June 10, 2020
Having a dental emergency on your hands can be stressful. Some people try to put the issue off until the last possible minute in hopes that it will go away on its own and they won’t have to see an emergency dentist. Unfortunately, this often results in the need for a tooth extraction in Irving. Read on to learn more about how you can tell how severe your oral health problem is and whether you require an extraction.
(more…)3 Helpful Tips For The First Week of Living With Braces
June 5, 2020
As soon as you leave your dentist’s office with your new braces in Irving, the excitement may quickly wear off once you realize that having them in your mouth means that you’ll need to make a few daily adjustments to your life. Although it sounds stressful, rest assured that braces are well worth the effort, and by the time your treatment is over, you’ll be able to enjoy a healthier and more beautiful smile. Read on for three helpful tips to get you through the first week of living with your braces.