In the midst of a dental emergency, especially one involving your child, it can be hard to think clearly and make the best decision for their oral health! Even if their knocked-out tooth is one of their baby teeth, it’s still important to have a trusted emergency dentist’s phone number on-hand to help guide you through the situation and get your child the care they require. Read on to learn what you should do in this situation to help your little one feel more comfortable and to reduce the risk of them sustaining additional damage.
(more…)5 Fun Facts About Braces & Their History
March 16, 2021
Metal brackets and wires may not seem that exciting, but braces have a long and interesting history. There’s so much to learn about them that can help you get pumped up for your orthodontic treatment. If you’ll be having braces placed soon, read on to learn about five fun braces facts you can talk to your dentist about while they’re placing your metal brackets and wires on your teeth!
(more…)Bridge vs. Partial Dentures: Which One Do You Need?
March 11, 2021
Whether you’re missing one tooth or several teeth, having gaps in your smile can have a more drastic impact on your daily life than you would think. Fortunately, there are several different types of prosthetic replacement teeth that can restore the function and appearance of your grin, like customized dental bridges and natural-looking partial dentures. Read on to learn about the difference between these two options and how to know which one would be best for your unique situation.