Life with braces in Irving can seem like a lot to handle, but imagine dealing with an unexpected broken bracket or swelling around the gums in addition to adjusting to your new braces! Having to think on your toes and address an orthodontic emergency can add unwanted stress to your journey towards a straighter smile. To help make your experience smoother, follow these four tips on how to avoid a visit to your emergency dentist.
(more…)Dental Implants: Just How Far Has This Modern Procedure Come?
August 19, 2022
People are often surprised to learn that dental implants in Irving aren’t exactly a new invention, and that this –now regarded as– modern treatment has roots as far back as 600 AD. Due to the advancements in technology in the dental field, the idea of replacing entire missing teeth from the roots upward has taken on a whole new meaning. Take a journey through time and continents and learn just how far this modern treatment has come from its conception to where it is now, and what it could look like in the future.
(more…)3 Tips for Talking with New Dentures
August 11, 2022
Dentures in Irving are a tried-and-true method of tooth replacement that have been around since 2500 BC. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, they’re as affordable and lifelike as ever, and a great option for people missing several or all of their teeth along an arch. When investing in new replacement teeth, it’s important to have realistic expectations of the process, including understanding that there will be an adjustment period that could make it difficult to talk. Learn about what hurdles you could encounter while getting used to your new dentures and 3 tips on how to ace talking with them.