3 Common Dental Injuries Among Athletes & Ways to Prevent Them

May 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 8:48 pm
two men playing basketball outside

Each year, millions of athletes opt to not wear mouthguards despite playing a sport or participating in a hobby that could lead to a dental emergency. Research has shown that this is incredibly risky, as athletes who don’t wear protective sportsguards are between 48 and 59 percent more likely to suffer a dental injury. If you’re an athlete, the best way to preserve your smile is to put your mind at ease knowing that your grin is well protected. Read below to learn the top three dental emergencies among athletes and how you can protect your grin from them.


Thinking of Invisalign? Here are 3 Reasons to Start Treatment This Summer

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 3:53 pm
a group of people at a summer bbq

In the past, orthodontic treatment was seen as a hinderance to enjoying daily life, especially during summertime, which is when teens and adults are able to unwind, relax, and enjoy the beautiful weather. Instead of utilizing metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses clear, smooth trays that gently and strategically straighten the teeth, allowing you to still get the most out of your vacation. Read on to learn why summertime is actually the best time to start Invisalign in Irving.
