3 Tooth Pain Types That Need an Emergency Dentist Appointment

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 3:09 pm
Man suffering from toothache

Mouth pain may not seem like a big deal at first. In cases where it’s dull or intermittent, you may even believe you can safely ignore it. However, there are times when that pain signals a significant health risk. You’d be better off knowing which toothaches require an immediate response.

Listed below are three types of tooth pain that your emergency dentist should monitor. Learn their unique traits so you can recognize when you urgently need treatment!


Knowing When Braces Are the Best Option

April 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 7:05 am
Tooth model with metal wire dental braces

Over the last two decades, clear braces have become one of the most sought-after teeth-straightening solutions. Tailored to each patient, said braces consist of clear, removable trays that discretely fit over your teeth. Given their low-key appearance and quick results, you’d think that traditional metal ones would become a thing of the past.

However, there are still situations where the metal variety are superior. To learn more, here are five reasons why traditional braces can be the better dental treatment.


5 Ways to Prepare for Your Dental Implant Surgery

April 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 6:59 am

Now that you’re scheduled for dental implants, you probably feel you’ve done what you needed for a successful procedure. After all, besides setting a time to see the dentist and showing up, what else is there to do? Wait until it’s time for your dental implant surgery in Irving?

Actually, there are steps you can take to better anticipate your treatment. To learn more, here are five ways to prepare for the surgery!


4 Denture Myths & Why They Aren’t True

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 6:41 pm
Dentures sitting next to dentist tools

You may find that people’s assumptions about dentures vary widely. A few consider this treatment only suitable for seniors. Others believe it can essentially guarantee oral health for the rest of your life. Given this range of views, it’s understandable if you aren’t sure what’s true and false on the matter.

Fortunately, it’s possible to set the record straight. Here are four common myths about dentures debunked by your Irving dentist.


Can Dental Implants Stain?

March 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 1:40 pm
person with dental implants smiling

Losing teeth can make your confidence take a hit. The gaps in your grin may make you feel insecure, which can cause you to avoid flashing a smile in social situations. Though there are several ways that you can have them replaced, dental implants are the only permanent solution. These titanium posts can closely mimic the look of one’s natural teeth, but can they stain like them, too? Read on to learn about whether dental implants can become discolored over time.


3 Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

March 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 4:13 am
patient under dental sedation

Dental fear and dental anxiety are conditions characterized by nervousness revolving around going to the dentist. People who suffer from these find it difficult to visit the dentist so they can receive the care they need. Fortunately, dental sedation is an excellent way to help fearful patients make it through their appointments. So that you can learn more about how it works, read on for the answers to three frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry.


5 Things to Avoid After Dental Implant Surgery

February 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 9:46 pm

Woman drinking coffee through a strawIf you’ve chosen dental implants to replace your lost teeth permanently, you’ve made a wise decision. The first step to completing your smile involves dental implant surgery in Irving, which means you’ll have a bit of a recovery ahead of you. However, it’s time well spent to enjoy a solution that can last for decades. You don’t want to do anything that might compromise the success of your new smile. Here are 5 things you should NOT do while you are recovering.


What Are Tips to Adjust for Eating with Dentures in Irving?

January 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 6:54 pm
mature man biting into an apple

You’re feeling good about the look of your new dentures, and it’s boosted your confidence in the process. Your dentist promised it would be a big step up from when you were missing teeth. But you are feeling a bit hesitant about that fancy restaurant your brother invited you to. You aren’t quite sure about what you should be ordering or avoiding. Keep reading to get advice from your dentist on eating with dentures in Irving.


What Does It Feel Like to Get Dental Implants in Irving?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 6:45 pm
mature man in dental chair with mirror

Maybe dentures have served you well for years, but you still wonder if a move to dental implants could change your life for the better. After all, they are the most permanent method of tooth replacement and allow patients to speak, eat, and smile with more confidence. Before you move forward, however, you must be wondering how they are going to feel. Fortunately, your dentist is here to share what you can expect with dental implants in Irving.


5 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

December 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 6:13 pm
child preparing to undergo sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry is a tool commonly used to help patients with fear or anxiety revolving around the dentist receive the treatment they need. It can temporarily put them to sleep or lead to a feeling of calm that makes them feel at ease throughout treatment. Dental sedation can also help patients with an array of other issues that make it hard for them to go to the dentist. Read on to learn about five other benefits of sedation dentistry.

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