Is it Possible to Get Braces on a Single Arch of Teeth?

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 5:05 pm
a person with braces smiling

Braces have been the tried-and-true treatment to address orthodontic problems like bite misalignment, crowding, and gaps between teeth for decades. Although in most cases, dentists will recommend straightening both of your rows of teeth at the same time to avoid complications down the road, some cases may warrant single arch treatment. Read on to learn more about when braces on only your bottom or top teeth are recommended and the problems that could arise if you opt for single arch orthodontics.   


Need Your Dentures Relined? Here’s What You Can Expect

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 2:00 pm
two dentures sitting on a gray countertop

Unlike your natural teeth, restorations like your full or partial dentures aren’t able to last forever. This is mainly due to the fact that they can’t change as your facial structure does, meaning you’ll likely notice that they don’t fit like they used to down the road. This can make it difficult to eat and speak and even result in oral sores or irritation along the gumline. If you notice these signs, you’ll need to visit your dentist to speak about having them relined. Read on to learn more about what you can expect during this process.


Getting Braces the Second Time: The Why’s & How’s

June 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 2:27 pm
an adult with braces smiling

Did you have braces as a teenager, only to find out you need them again years down the road? This isn’t as uncommon as you may think—as a teen, after you get your braces off, you likely feel like never touching another orthodontic appliance again, including a retainer. Unfortunately, this mindset can cause your teeth to become misaligned, crowded, and gapped again down the road, only for you to find yourself in need of a second round of orthodontic treatment. Thankfully, this time will be a little different!


5 Traits to Look for in a Great Implant Dentist

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 4:26 pm
a person researching dental implants on a computer

Dental implants are no small investment, but they offer a priceless return on your investment in the form of life-changing benefits, like a complete and healthy smile that’s lifelike in every aspect. If you’re considering this leading-edge solution to tooth loss, you’ll want to choose a provider with all of the traits of a great implant dentist, from additional training to the latest technology. Read on to learn about five things to look for before choosing your implant dentist.


The Journey from Tooth Extraction to Dentures

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 1:14 pm
a dental lab technician crafting dentures

Stepping up to the plate to take care of your smile can sometimes be a longer process than expected, especially if you require preparatory treatments before you can replace your missing teeth. These added procedures can tack on more recovery and treatment time to your smile restoration journey, and while that may be disheartening, remember that in the long run, doing so will allow your full or partial dentures to last longer and serve you better. Read on to learn more about what your timeline will look like if you need one or more teeth extracted before you can restore your grin with dentures.


Can Dentures Affect Your Sense of Taste?

May 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 4:51 pm
3 people laughing and eating ice cream cones

If you’re a new denture-wearer, you’re likely wondering how these prosthetics are going to change your life, for better or worse. While they offer various benefits, like increasing the different types of foods you can eat, they may also affect your ability to taste them. To learn more about how your replacement teeth may change your taste, read below!


Are Teeth Supposed to Feel Loose with Braces?

May 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 4:47 pm
a person with braces smiling

When you first get braces, everything you do can feel new, from eating a snack to brushing your teeth, making it hard to be able to tell if something’s wrong or just a typical side-effect of treatment. One of the most alarming and common impacts that traditional braces can cause is the feeling of having loose or wiggling teeth. However, this is often a sign that your treatment is working exactly as it should! Read on to learn why braces can make your teeth feel loose.


Dental Implant Maintenance: Can Your New Teeth Get Cavities?

May 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 4:43 pm
a person brushing their teeth

When you invest in dental implants and upkeeping them, they have the ability to continue serving you for anywhere from 25 years to the rest of your life. In fact, their longevity is one of the biggest benefits they offer, making them a gold standard for tooth replacement. In order to get the most out of your new restorations, you’ll need to take care of them, because just like your natural teeth, they can fall victim to lingering oral health problems. Even though they’re made from durable dental materials, oral health problems can impact their lifespan, just not in the way that they would with your natural pearly whites.


Is it Safe to Use Toothpicks Regularly?

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 5:46 pm
a container of toothpicks

During the peak years of toothpick production, an estimated 75 billion of them were made annually. Today, that number has gone down to eight billion, but that’s still impressive when you consider how many people are purchasing and using them! If you’re an avid toothpick-user, you’ll want to know how they can impact the health of your teeth and gums to avoid unexpected trips to the emergency dentist. Read on to find out whether it’s safe to use toothpicks and if there’s a better alternative.


5 Common Issues You May Experience with Braces

April 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 5:07 pm
a person with braces holding their cheek in pain

Whether you have Invisalign clear aligners or traditional braces, incorporating a new orthodontic appliance into your life will cause you to go through an adjustment period. The best way to address these changes is to anticipate them happening and know what to do to ease your discomfort or prevent additional oral irritation. Read on to learn five of the most common problems patients with braces experience and how to solve them.  

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