Can You Get Dental Implants if You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis?

September 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 2:59 pm
a computer illustration of swollen joints in the hand

The first step of the dental implant process is scheduling a consultation with your dentist to determine whether you’re a good candidate for this modern tooth replacement service. While autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis could impact your candidacy for dental implants in Irving, it doesn’t automatically mean that they’re not the right choice for you. Read on to learn whether rheumatoid arthritis could impact the success of your dental implants and how you can reduce your risk of implant failure.


4 Tips to Help You Avoid an Orthodontic Emergency

August 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:12 pm
young adult with braces on smiling

Life with braces in Irving can seem like a lot to handle, but imagine dealing with an unexpected broken bracket or swelling around the gums in addition to adjusting to your new braces! Having to think on your toes and address an orthodontic emergency can add unwanted stress to your journey towards a straighter smile. To help make your experience smoother, follow these four tips on how to avoid a visit to your emergency dentist.


Dental Implants: Just How Far Has This Modern Procedure Come?

August 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:04 pm
advanced dental technology crafting dental implants next to a computer monitor

People are often surprised to learn that dental implants in Irving aren’t exactly a new invention, and that this –now regarded as– modern treatment has roots as far back as 600 AD. Due to the advancements in technology in the dental field, the idea of replacing entire missing teeth from the roots upward has taken on a whole new meaning. Take a journey through time and continents and learn just how far this modern treatment has come from its conception to where it is now, and what it could look like in the future.


3 Tips for Talking with New Dentures

August 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:08 pm
friends laughing together while walking on a beach

Dentures in Irving are a tried-and-true method of tooth replacement that have been around since 2500 BC. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, they’re as affordable and lifelike as ever, and a great option for people missing several or all of their teeth along an arch. When investing in new replacement teeth, it’s important to have realistic expectations of the process, including understanding that there will be an adjustment period that could make it difficult to talk. Learn about what hurdles you could encounter while getting used to your new dentures and 3 tips on how to ace talking with them.


How Can Vitamin D Improve Dental Implant Success?

July 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 6:25 pm
mature couple smiling with dental implants in Irving

Do you have one or multiple missing pearly whites? If so, then you may be considering getting dental implants to replace them. As the gold standard for tooth-replacement solutions, these restorations can rebuild your smile as well as preserve a strong and youthful jawbone structure in the long run. For this treatment to succeed, you’ll need the posts to fuse with your jawbone via osseointegration. One of the most important nutrients to help this process is vitamin D. Keep reading to learn how this substance boosts dental implant success and the best ways to get a sufficient amount!


4 Ways Dental Implants Can Help You Look Younger

July 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 5:43 pm
mature woman smiling with dental implants in Irving

Do you have one or more missing pearly whites? One of the best and most popular ways to replace them is with dental implants. By surgically inserting these titanium posts into your jawbone, you’ll be able to enjoy a fully restored smile for a lifetime! But can these restorations also make you appear younger? Keep reading to learn four ways you can roll back your years with dental implants.


4 Tips to Smoothly Transition from Dentures to Dental Implants

June 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 10:57 am
Close-up of a dental implant

You might think you can easily switch from dentures to dental implants. After all, aren’t they both dental prosthetics? Learning to use one means you can use the other, right? However, that isn’t true. Due to their unique materials and methods, each prosthetic requires patients to adjust differently. That being the case, you’ll need a new approach when you transition from dentures. Your Irving dentist is here to help with this process. Here are four tips you should follow to make your newly-restored smile easier to enjoy.


How to Manage a Dental Emergency During Summer Vacation

June 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 10:35 am
Worried dental patient

You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t plan for everything,” right? Well, that idea especially applies to summer vacations. Unexpected obstacles often crop up during fun in the sun, including dental emergencies. That said, you’ll want to know what to do when and if the latter occurs.

Luckily, your emergency dentist in Irving can help. Here’s a summary of steps to address your oral issue and tips to avoid dental injury in the future.


When Can I Return to Work After Getting Dental Implants?

May 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 4:56 pm
Image of dental implants.

When it comes to missing teeth, dental implants are one of the best solutions available. These awesome titanium posts can completely restore a compromised smile and turn your life around! But you might be wondering about the recovery process for this treatment: how long will you be out of commission for, and when can you return to work? Even though implant surgery is relatively minor, it still needs to be taken seriously and there is an expected timeline for recovery. Here’s everything you need to know about the process and some tips for ensuring that you get back on track without any delays.


Can Dentures Affect My Nutrition?

May 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 3:48 pm
Man holding his dentures.

The American College of Prosthodontics estimates that roughly 40 million adults are missing all their teeth—that’s quite a large figure! Not only that, but having missing teeth is a very serious problem that can affect the way you talk, eat, laugh, and live. Luckily, dentures are an effective solution that can help to restore much of your mouth’s lost functionality. But did you know that dentures can also negatively affect your body’s overall nutrition? Keep reading to learn more about this connection and what you can do to ensure that your dentures don’t prevent you from fueling up.

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