Family Dentist in Irving Offers 4 Tips for Helping Your Children Establish an Oral Health Care Routine

June 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:22 pm

mom and daughter brushing teeth

Teaching your little ones how to take care of their teeth is always important. The sooner your child starts learning how to brush and floss, the more likely the habits will be ingrained and will stick with your child throughout their life. Learning proper oral care habits can also prevent tooth decay. However, sometimes your kid might resist your efforts to incorporate brushing and flossing into their daily routine. Don’t worry. A family dentist in Irving has 4 tips to helping your child establish a daily oral health care routine.

Let Your Kid Watch You Brush and Floss

Kids will often try and emulate their parents. In this case, you can use that to your advantage. If you let your child watch you brush or floss, you can provide hands-on demonstration of how to take care of your teeth. Set a timer for two minutes to let your kid know how long they need to brush. During that time, show them the proper technique for brushing. Let your kid watch you floss as well, and take the time to explain how to floss.

Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

Candy and ice cream might be your little one’s favorite snacks, but they contain large amounts of sugar that can lead to cavities. Limit their access to sweets to prevent them from developing tooth decay. Instead, offer healthier snacks that are lower in sugar. Not only will they be less likely to get cavities, but they will grow up big and strong!

Create a Rewards System

Put a sticker on a chart or calendar every day that your child brushes and flosses. After a certain number of days have passed, offer them a reward, such as a trip to the movies or a board game night. Your son or daughter will start to associate proper oral hygiene with fun family time. Just make sure that the incentives are not sugary snacks, as that could make their oral health worse overall.

Choose a Toothbrush and Toothpaste Designed for Kids

While you may prefer minty toothpaste to get that clean mouth feeling, minty flavors can make your little one’s mouth feel like it’s burning. Instead, take them to the store and let them pick out their favorite flavor. Some kids’ toothpastes have cartoon characters on them, which can create a positive association with brushing their teeth. Additionally, there are children’s toothbrushes that sing a song for exactly two minutes that make brushing teeth fun. Once you buy one, you will likely never have to remind your son or daughter to brush again.

Teaching proper oral hygiene habits from a young age is key to your child having a healthy mouth as an adult. By sticking to these rules, you can help them get interested in keeping their smile happy and healthy. Contact your pediatric dentist in Irving for more info.

About the Practice

At Daily Smiles Dental, we treat all ages and all dental concerns under one roof. Our team of dentists includes Drs. Hirji, Arrechea, and Kim. They each bring their own skills and experience to the table to make sure your dental needs are always met. For more information about how they can help teach your child proper oral healthcare habits, click here or call (972)-546-4114.